11 Best Things To Do In Cadaques


Cadaques is easily accessible from Barcelona by train and can be a great day trip.

Here’s what you shouldn’t miss in Cadaques:

white and brown concrete buildings during daytime

1. Santa Maria Church of Cadaques

It’s a stunning 16th-century Gothic church sitting pretty at the highest point in town.

It’s incredibly beautiful both inside and outside.

Throughout the Middle Ages and into the early modern period, Cadaqués was a target for pirates, including the infamous Barbarossa, due to its location on the Costa Brava. The church, built in the 16th century, served not only as a religious site but also played a crucial role in the town’s defense against these pirate attacks, thanks to its strategic position overlooking the bay. 

It’s super chill around there, especially at night, making it perfect for those peaceful evening strolls.

boats on the harbor in Cadaques

2. Walk Along the Beach & Visit Coves

Cadaques is beach heaven. The beaches here are rocky and rugged, so wear something sturdy on your feet.

And the real treasures are the hidden coves around Cala Culip. You won’t be bumping elbows with a ton of people there.

3. Visit Salvador Dali’s House

Even if you are not into art Salvador Dali’s House is still worth visiting. Not only for the art, but for the awesome views of Cadaques too.

You gotta book in advance ’cause they only let a few people in at a time.

dali museum, figueras, wall

4. Dali Theater Museum in Figueres

This museum is all about getting up close with his art, from paintings to sculptures.

They’ve got guided tours that fill you in on his life and how his art evolved, which is pretty cool.

It’s a day trip worth taking, especially if you’re coming from Barcelona. You’ll learn a lot and get to see some of his less famous works too.

5. Cap de Creus Lighthouse

This spot is all about the views. It’s breathtaking up there.

There’s also a restaurant “Cap de Creus” with amazing local food.

Just a heads up, it can get windy, so pick a calm day for the best experience. And if you’re planning to eat there make a reservation ’cause it gets busy.

Even if you’re just there for the scenery, it’s a must-visit.

6. Walk down the Cobblestone Streets of Cadaques

Everything’s quaint and picturesque, with white houses, cute shops, and cozy spots to grab a bite or a drink.

It’s the perfect way to soak in the local vibe and try some delicious tapas in one of the cafes.

7. Enjoy tapas and wine

No trip here is complete without diving into the local food scene. Tapas and wine are practically a way of life, and there’s no shortage of spots to indulge.

Whether it’s a glass of Rioja or some fresh seafood, you’re in for a treat.

The views only add to the experience, making every meal memorable.

8. Explore local art

Dali’s influence is all over, but he’s not the only game in town.

As you stroll around you’ll see loads of local artists showing off their work.

It’s a great way to get a feel for the current art scene and maybe even take a little piece of Cadaques home with you.

9. Cap de Creus Natural Park

This park is a slice of wild heaven.

There’s a hike up to Sant Salvador peak that’s totally worth the effort for the views alone.

It’s a great way to experience the natural beauty of the area, any time of year.

10. Hike Far de Cala Nans Lighthouse

For an outdoor adventure with a reward, this hike is a must.

It’s not too tough, so anyone can tackle it, and the views of the coast and sea are unbeatable.

It can get windy up there. But on a good day, it’s an experience you won’t forget.

11. Make Stops Along The Way!

If you’re coming from Catalonia, make the most of your journey by checking out other towns and villages along the Costa Brava.

Places like Figueres, Girona, and Begur have their own unique charm and are well worth a visit.


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